It has been my intention to post on our blog more often than I have. And many have expressed they want to read about our life out here... even just every day things. For us, life and ministry intertwine all the time, as is to be expected as missionaries.
This has been on the forefront of our minds in the last few weeks: the start of the new church at Word of Life Uganda. It's not easy... We knew it would be that way. There is a lot of work before us, and we are excited for what is ahead!
For the whole month of June, we have been meeting for Bible studies on Sunday mornings, inviting the community to come. A few have been attending already. And there is a core group of people from Word of Life that also attend. We've been enjoying these times! It has been very much like a church service, only that Welli gives a short devotional that leads into a time of Bible study. The kids have also been having Sunday school. We are so thankful for those who are already getting involved!
In fact, on the second Sunday that we met, a gentleman who came the week before invited a friend. We have been studying together about who Jesus is... and they said it just made sense to them now. I had posted on Facebook that day:
"Word of Life Fellowship Church officially launches on July 6. We have started meeting on Sunday mornings for Bible study in anticipation of this and a few people have been coming from the community. Today was the second time we met... and 2 men gave their lives to Christ!"We ask for prayer as the services officially start in two weeks. We are excited about this, but also overwhelmed with the work that it takes to put things into place.
Please pray:
- That we would be a church that preaches the Word of God faithfully.
- That the community will be open to hear the Word of God.
- That those who attend will grow in their faith, know the God's Word more, and become a community of believers -- brothers and sisters in Christ.
- For wisdom for Welli as he prepares sermons each week.
- Thank God that we have those who are already willing to serve in the church: ushers, Sunday school teachers, behind-the-scenes prep for Sunday.
- For more who would be willing to serve, especially in the areas of music/worship and leading Bible Studies.