Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Music and More

Well, I definitely don't post on here as often as I have wanted to or should... but here are a few events that have happened since.... September.  Yikes.  So, this is a 3-month update - in pictures.

On September 6, TFC (Talented For Christ), the grade 8 band that Nadine and Juma play in, were invited to a music festival at Namirembe Cathedral.  It is a beautiful cathedral on a Namirembe Hill in Kampala.  In 2019, this church will celebrate its 100th year.

In early September, the kids' Aunty Emily (Welli's sister) and her husband, Eddie, came for a visit.  It was great to see Emily again after a long time!

For Welli's birthday on October 15, we went out for the day and enjoyed the scenic location of Serena Hotel by Lake Victoria.

On October 31, students and parents of Word of Life International School participated in a 10km walk in Entebbe to raise funds for building projects at school.  A marching band went ahead of us and motivated us as we went along. We even had police escort along the way.

On November 14, TFC played once again at a Band Festival that was hosted by Word of Life.

On November 28, we celebrated (a day early because the Pope was in Uganda and the main highway was closed) with a birthday breakfast.  We did also celebrate on their birthday at home.

Once Juma and Nadine's birthday is finished, Christmas comes in full swing.  On December 4th, we finished the term at school with a candlelight service.

I took the opportunity to photograph the teachers and staff of the school (a few are missing, but this is most of the group).

Thanks for taking the time to peruse through this post.  We wish you all a joyous Christmas!  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Past Month or so...

The kids and I are enjoying our holidays from school at this time.  It has been a hectic term, culminating to a busy first-two weeks of August.  All has gone well and because it has been some time since I've posted anything on the blog... here's a snapshot of what's been going on since the beginning of July.

Celebrating the 1st anniversary of the church at Word of Life.

Welli, Gilbert and Steven leading the singing. 


Food and fellowship

Grade 8 girls leading worship at chapel.
I walked in to find Nadine leading with the guitar!

Teachers from Texas and North Carolina that came to lead
workshops at a Teachers Training Conference mid-July.

The soccer pitch (in a town called Lubowa) that the boys
play soccer at every Saturday.

Word of Life teachers singing at the Bible Institute
Graduation ceremony.

Welli leads the singing.

The first-ever graduating class of the
Word of Life Africa Bible Institute.

Director of Word of Life

It was a joy to have Dave Robertson be a
part of the ceremony.

From left to right: Thomas, Welli, Geremew, Rediet and
baby Tsega (Ethiopian student and his family),
Faith and Dolly; kids in the front

I will miss this sweet friend, Rediet, and her
beautiful daughter, Tsega, as they have
returned back to Ethiopia.

Out for lunch with friends to a favourite places in Entebbe.

The kids are enjoying it too.

Time to get out of the house for a swim. 

Witnessing a fellow teacher's wedding last weekend.

Praying for the couple - notice the traditional
dresses the women are wearing.

And they are married!

Enjoying a cute 3-year-old's
birthday party last Sunday.

Monday, July 6, 2015

A Visit to Uganda Reptile Village

Recently we celebrated Okello's birthday, and for a fun outing, we decided to head to the Uganda Reptile Village.  It's a bit off the beaten path, 3 km off the main highway, on a bumpy dirt road, but we are used to driving like that.

 A pose in front of the facility is always a good thing.  Having the kids pose for you, even better.

First exhibit: the python.  He freaked us out a bit.  He started to climb up the window that we were looking through.  Maybe he was just curious at who was admiring him.  Weird and cool to see him so up close.  We were glad for the glass barrier!

  Next we came along some cobras.  Very interesting snakes.  They saw us looking at them but really weren't bothered too much.  Then suddenly our guide went to the back of the exhibit, opened the door, and started to tease them to get them fired up.  They looked like they were ready to strike him! He definitely did not fear snakes! (A prerequisite, I'm sure, to work here.)

The snakes above are Egyptian cobras and the ones below are Forest cobras.

 We then looked at and held some turtles.
 Okello was reluctant at first, but saw how docile and harmless they were, so joined in.

 Then to the chameleon enclosure.  These creatures are always fun... not easy to find though!

 Once again, our guide popped into the back of a snake cage.  This time he pulled one out for us to see up close and touch.  When asked if this was a venomous snake, to which he replied, "Of course."  He was very skilled at handling the snake, and it was interesting to touch.  Meanwhile, the venom was dripping down the guide's hand.... eek!

We were pleasantly surprised at this excursion.  The knowledge and skill of the guide made it very enjoyable too.  I was hoping that this would lessen my fear of snakes, but really, it didn't.  Knowing that these snakes all live in Uganda, and that most of them are quite venomous... I just hope we don't encounter any outside of the Reptile Village!

So, if you ever do come and visit us here in Uganda... we just may take you there!